Can Trampolines Cause Headaches?

If you are like me, one day you’ve jumped on a trampoline and then all of a sudden you start to get a headache.

You start to wonder if you should get rid of the trampoline or if there are other factors?

The answer to this is yes, trampolines can cause headaches? But the reasons that trampolines cause headaches are because you are dehydrated, you haven’t eaten enough throughout the day, you have high blood pressure, or your muscles are tight for one reason or another.

Read on to find out what your reason might be and what you can do to avoid it in the future.

Why trampolines are good

Before we get into why trampolines can cause headaches, let first focus on why trampolines can be good for us.

First, trampolines can be very good for exercise.

A 10-minute jumping session on a mini-trampoline can help you burn off the same amount of calories as a 30-minute run.

A larger trampoline helps you burn off calories as well, but probably not as much as the mini-trampoline.

The trampoline also can give you a full-body exercise, unlike what a run would.

Running is a great exercise, I’m a runner myself, but mostly you are working out your legs, heart, and lungs.

Jumping on a trampoline, on the other hand, can give you more of an exercise than that.

You can also work on your arms and your back if you can bounce off of the trampoline on your back.

Catching yourself on the trampoline and then pushing yourself back up can give you a fuller exercise.

Second, jumping on a trampoline is a low-impact exercise.

While running can be very hard on your legs and knees, especially if you are overweight, jumping on a is actually a very low impact on your legs and knees.

Because you are jumping on a trampoline mat, the mat essentially catches your body instead of your body taking the full force of landing.

This is different than running, where you are continuously catching yourself on the ground, which can do damage to your legs and knees.

I’ve become a runner over the last few years.

I didn’t like it at first because I was overweight and it was very hard on my knees.

I typically could only go a few miles before my knees would hurt and I’d have to go home.

It wasn’t until I had lost some weight before I could really get into running and appreciate all the exercise I could get.

During the same time, though, I could jump on a trampoline quite a bit without it hurting my knees.

I would spend an hour or two with my kids on the trampoline without feeling any pain.

Third, using the trampoline improves your balance.

When you jump up on the trampoline, you then have to come down and catch yourself on the trampoline mat.

And every time you land, you are landing on a surface that is not going to be even.

Therefore, you have to catch yourself on both legs at different levels of ground.

The more you jump on the trampoline, the more you are working on your coordination and balance.

All of these are great reasons to jump on the trampoline.

And why you should continue to jump, even though you might get headaches while jumping.

Why you get headaches

There could be one of a few reasons why you get a headache while jumping on a trampoline.

And there are a few solutions to this problem.

Keep in mind that these might not be the only problems that you may run into.

If you continue to get headaches while jumping on trampolines, you might want to consult with a doctor to see if there might be other unlying issues that cause the headaches.

  • Dehydration

You might not realize it, but jumping on the trampoline can be exhausting.

It can also make your sweat quite a bit.

When I jumped on the trampoline with my kids, it was usually the first thing after work, so the sun was still out and hot.

So we would jump on the trampoline for 20 to 30 minutes and I would also be sweating so much that I felt like I needed to change my shirt.

So I know from experience that you can get dehydrated from jumping on a trampoline.

Even just a little bit of jumping on the trampoline can cause you to sweat.

  • Dehydration solution

Make sure you are drinking plenty of water before and after jumping on the trampoline.

If at any point while jumping you feel like you need to go to the bathroom, do it and then drink some more water on your way back.

Drinking plenty of water will help to keep your body hydrated and will help you avoid getting a headache.

If you do end up getting a headache and your problem is you are dehydrated, it could help to drink Gatorade or some other type of power drink that has a lot of electrolytes.

This will give you what your body needs faster than water, but make sure to continue to drink water afterward.

Otherwise, you might continue to have these headache problems.

  • Blood sugar

According to WebMD:

When you do moderate exercise, like walking, that makes your heart beat a little faster and breathe a little harder. Your muscles use more glucose, the sugar in your blood stream.  Over time, this can lower your blood sugar levels. It also makes the insulin in your body work better. You’ll get these benefits for hours after your walk or workout.

Jumping on a trampoline can cause the same thing in you since it is a form of exercise.

If you do too much of it, then this can decrease your blood sugar and make it hard for you to concentrate and in other cases, it will give you a headache.

So it is important that you take regular breaks while jumping on the trampoline to make sure you aren’t overdoing yourself.

Otherwise, you might be giving yourself low blood sugar.

Which could then lead to headaches.

  • Blood sugar solution

According to

When blood sugar levels are low, the goal is to get them back up quickly. To do that, you should take in sugar or sugary foods, which raise the blood sugar level quickly. Your health care team might suggest that you:

Eat, drink, or take something that contains sugar that can get into the blood quickly. Your doctor may tell you to have really sugary foods or drinks (like regular soda, orange juice, or cake frosting) or might give you glucose tablets or gel to take — all of these can help to raise your blood sugar level fast, which is what you need to do when it’s low.

So first, it is important to realize that you have low blood sugar.

A headache is one symptom of low blood sugar.

Other symptoms include:

  • Sweating
  • Feeling tired
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling hungry
  • Tingling lips
  • Feeling shaky or trembling
  • Fast hearbeat
  • Easily irritated, tearful, or moody

So if you feel any combination of these after jumping on a trampoline, it is most likely that you have low blood sugar.

First, lie down somewhere so you are comfortable.

Then either drink or eat something that has some sugar in it.

A juice drink is probably the best thing you can do.

This would include orange or apple juice.

If you don’t have either of these, then some food like fruits or pizza would be good.

Either of these should get your blood sugar up relatively quickly.

  • High blood pressure

Jumping on a trampoline can actually help you lower your blood pressure.

So it is good in that way.

But it can cause problems with your high blood pressure if you are not careful.

Symptoms of high blood pressure include:

  • Nosebleed
  • Fatigue
  • Vision problems
  • Chest pain
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Nervousness
  • Trouble sleeping

These symptoms sound an awful lot like low blood sugar, but the difference is the feeling in it.

It is hard to describe, but you feel different between the two.

  • High blood pressure solution

There isn’t a whole lot you can do to lower your blood pressure immediately after jumping on a trampoline.

The best thing you can do is wait a few hours before you do anything else.

So you might as well get yourself comfortable on your bed or couch and then take a nap for an hour or two.

After your nap, be careful walking around the house and get yourself something to drink.

You should feel better after taking the nap.

If you continue to experience high blood pressure after jumping on your trampoline, it will probably be good to visit your doctor and have them check you out.

High blood pressure might be a symptom of other problems you might be having.

  • Tight muscles

As we talked about previously in this article, jumping on the trampoline is a great exercise for your body.

But that could also lead to you having tight muscles.

I love jumping on the trampoline with my kids, but sometimes as I’m jumping, I land too hard on one part of my body, and then the muscles on that part of my body hurt.

For example, if I land on my back incorrectly, then my neck muscles might hurt for a few days after that.

And those tense muscles can also lead to getting headaches.

  • Tight muscles solution

Of course one of the best things you can do for tight muscles is to stretch.

This of course depends on if it’s an area that can be easily stretched.

For example, if your legs are tight, then you can sit down and reach for your feet with your hands and you give yourself a good stretch for the legs.

If your neck needs good stretching, look down at the ground and then rock your head slowly from left to right and that should stretch out your neck.

If the stretching doesn’t work, then try a hot bath and get the part of your body that needs stretching into the hot water.

Then just relax in the bath until the tight muscles feel better.

If the stretching and the bath don’t work, then you might need to get a massage.

This should help work out the tight muscles.

While there, let the massage therapist know the muscles that need stretching and they might be able to tell you what stretches for those areas in the future.

Then if you have a need to stretch tight muscles in the future, then you should be able to do it yourself.

Either way, it is important you stretch out tight muscles otherwise your headaches will never go away.


Jumping on the trampoline can cause headaches, though it isn’t because of the trampoline that you are having the headache.

Just make sure you are drinking plenty of water before and after jumping, make sure you have eaten enough food to keep your blood sugar up, sit down and let yourself settle down to keep your blood pressure in a good place, and stretch if you get any tights muscles.

And as you do these things, you might be able to help yourself avoid getting headaches while jumping on the trampoline.

Bill Lantz

Bill Lantz is a database analyst by day and a weekend warrior by... weekend. He's currently building up his own miniature homestead in Central Utah with his wife and six kids. Some of his interests include knowing random trivia about films, reading history books, and playing video games with the boys.

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